Soup is good food


Hearty Italian sausage soup = yum!

Made this for dinner last night--oh it was so yummy!  I have so much admiration for food bloggers because when I have a piping hot bowl of something delicious in front of me the last thing I want to do is take a picture of it.  I want to eat it.

But I tried, so to keep it real, here's my quickly taken picture of what it looks like in real life..ignore that Corona that jumped behind my bowl of soup, oops, long day:)

Recipe here.  I did not make the Parmesan Pepper Cornbread Biscotti (we just used French bread) but the soup was delicious.  It has a strong sausage flavor obviously so if you're not a fan of sausage this is not for you.  My husband loved it, meaning it's pretty filling for soup.  I followed the recipe with the exception of the sausage; I used half the amount called for because that was all I had in the freezer.  Yummy for a chilly fall day!


  1. I truly feel this way every time I

  2. Oh boy, it looks AMAZING and that is one of my husband's absolute favorite meals in the world. I think your food photography is great! That is always my toughest thing to photograph correctly. You would think it would be the easiest since it doesn't move constantly like toddlers. ha!

  3. Thanks for the invitation to follow your blog! I should try this recipe, my husband and I love sausages!!
