Trader Joe's and tornadoes


We headed out early yesterday morning to Trader Joe's (one of my favorite places on earth). We picked up some groovy items like chocolate covered sunflower seeds.  Yum! (Warning: eating as many as I did yesterday may not be good for your health).  TJ's also had the usual yummy chocolate covered cherries, blueberries, and pomegranite seeds.  Is it okay if my daily serving of fruit is smothered in chocolate?  I'm going to say yes.  And have you tried their vanilla cream yogurt?  It tastes JUST like cheesecake.

Thankfully we got home before some ma-hajor weather set in.  Around 2 o'clock it was raining like mad and the wind was crazy.  Tornado sirens were going off.  I consulted, who told me to get in a closet and stay there until otherwise informed.  I put the kids in the closet and we waited for the storm to pass.  Luckily we were fine but I think there was some damage in the area.  The boys were pooped from the excitement.

When Big C got home little C promptly informed him that we hid from a scary toy potato! He also informed Big C that a tornado happens when the wind gets swirly.  So smart these little ones.

I also received a new product in the mail.  Some new eyebrow stuff.  (Thankfully tornadoes do not scare UPS).  I used my old product on one eyebrow and the new on the other.  When Big C arrived I asked him which eyebrow looked better.  He knew the importance of his answer.  Beads of sweat formed on his forehead. He'd better get it right. 

HE DID!  He totally guessed which eyebrow was sporting the fabulous new product!  (I have eyebrow issues from overplucking in the mid-90s...) Anyways, credit for the product goes to Val and I'll tell you all about it tomorrow. (or soon:) It deserves its own post.  It's very fabulous.

And while I'm jumping around, since teacher appreciation day snuck up on me Big C stepped up to the plate and made some cards for me.  Aw!

And that was our day!


  1. I knew I adored you for a reason...Girl, I pretty much live at Trader Joe's.........and those Sunflower seeds, own me!! I can't wait to hear about SMASHBOX!!!

  2. Out of the mouth of babes! All I can picture is CJ hiding in the closet worrying about a giant Mr. Potato Head coming:) I laughed all day. Glad you all were alright.

  3. That is such a cute pic of them crashed out on the couch!!
