New do & a book


I'm headed to the salon to freshen up my hair color today and this is my inspiration.

via Pinterest

Don't worry, I'm not delusional enough to think I'll leave looking like Olivia Palermo.  My hair has been so dark for so long though that I'm ready for some auburn dimension.  Yay, can't wait!

And I started reading Insurgent.  I like it.

But I can't lie. I miss Fifty.  Not the raciness, just the characters.  I really want to know more about Christian and Ana! Oh please write another one Mrs. James.  Incidentally, do y'all do GoodReads?  I just found it, where have I been?!


  1. Sometimes I daydream about going brunette. That color is really pretty! I am not ashamed to admit that I miss the Fifty Shades trilogy too. I totally agree - I want to know more about them! And I bet they have very pretty babies. ha.

  2. Can't wait to see your hair!! I definitely am going to put that book on my reading list! You know how I feel about Fifty :)
